Thursday, November 24, 2005

IE Problems

Hey everybody!
I just looked up my blog on internet explorer, and the formatting was a little wierd. But, I don't know how to fix it and not have everything change in firefox. And since I don't use internet explorer, I guess I am not going to change it. So, if the formatting and text size seems a bit wierd, then sorry. But I'm not sure how I can fix it. Anyway, I have added a fun new countdown clock to the side, and made it really big so everyone will notice it. Fun fun fun. Anywho, more later. Gotta run. Happy Thanksgiving all!!!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

We have a date!!!

Hey all, super-quick post to announce that Amy and I have decided on December 16, 2006 to get married. Just wanted to let everyone know, so you could get your calendars marked and all that jazz. Have a good one. Should be a longer post next time. Oh yeah, congratulations Jake on the acquisition of Battlecat. Bye!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2005


Sorry for the delay in the post, was waiting for pictures that I could show with it. Anywho, I am pleased to announce that on October 29, I finally, after knowing her for the last 10 years or so, asked the most beautiful, amazing, perfect girl in the entire world to marry me. Oh yeah, and she said yes. Yay for me and yay even more for us!!! Here are some pictures of the ring, and some of us:

The ring

How we will dress for the wedding.
(Actually, this is our Halloween costumes.)

Hopefully, more updates will be coming soon. Sorry for the wait, Patsy. Have a good one all.
