Yay scanner!!!
Well, after shooting several rolls of medium format film, and deciding that there is just nowhere in the apartment to build a darkroom, I finally decided on a scanner that would fit my needs. So, it is on order and should be here sometime this week, or early next at the latest. It will do 35mm slides or negs, medium format (120 and 220) and large format (up to 4 x 5 negs, anyway.) So, I can't wait for it to get here, and hopefully I can post some of my fun pictures soon. I am also giving slide film a go, and decided to give Fuji Velvia a go. I've heard that its color range is amazing, so we'll see what happens.
In other news, Amy got bit by some spider-thing and was pretty miserable and itchy in the foot for a while, but she is getting better now. I got my car fixed (it had a bad intake manifold gasket. It was apparently installed wrong in the factory, and finally burned through a weak spot. Oh well, better now.) and I got my AZ plates. So long UT 929 XEG. You will be missed.
Thats about it for now, more later.
Take it easy, all.
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