Thursday, July 05, 2007

More fun for all...

Well, another Fourth of July come and gone. Amy and I found out that one of the Tucson resorts had fireworks that we could see from our balcony. So we made a snack and stayed at home for the night, and really had a grand old time watching the fireworks and singing patriotic songs to ourselves. Before that, we went to Amy's aunt and uncle's for a barbecue, which was a lot of fun.

All in all, it was a good Independence Day, but we definitely did miss being home in Utah with family and the Huntsville parade and such.

On the first, there was a planetary conjunction between Venus and Saturn, so now if you look in the western sky in the evening, Saturn is below Venus. I got some pretty spiffy pictures, and messed with the black and white mode on my digital. It still doesn't quite match B & W film, but it works for now.

Venus, all by it's lonesome on July 1.

Some fun black and whites from June 30. Notice the location of Venus and Saturn in the top one, as opposed to their locations in the color picture.

Anywho, thats about it for the time being. Take it easy, all.

PS - Just a shout out to my dad, who is at home watching the dogs for the weekend. Have a good one, dad.


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