Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Insert cool acronym here

Well, I was going to put a spiffy acronym in the subject to show my support of Singles Awareness Day (SAD), celebrated every 14th of February by people sick of Valentines, love and all that. Now I know that you are all saying "But Jon, didn't you get married recently?" Well, yes I did. But that doesn't mean that I have to stop supporting all of my single friends out there. I was a proud celebrator of SAD for many a year, so I think I should at least give it a shout on my blog.

So, Happy Valentines to those who want, and Merry SAD to everyone else.

More will be forthcoming, but I have to go and get gas, so as I can go to work and make me some money.

Take it easy, all.

by the way, the only acronym I could come up with was the Association of Supporters of Singles Awareness Day, which spelled ASSAD. It just didn't feel right. Send your ideas. Later all.


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