Saturday, March 24, 2007

Spring cleaning

Well, spring is roughly finally here. This means that it is time for the Farmington City cleanup. This is a really great program that they have, where you can pile all your branches and other yard junk by the curb, and they come by and pick it up in these massive sweeper trucks. It's really a great program, and one which I wish other cities would consider adopting.

In other news, Amy and I found an apartment in Tucson, which is a really big load off my shoulders. Amy's as well. So, thats a good thing.

We also went to the Sonora Arizona Desert Museum while there, and I would have to say to anyone in the area, you should check it out. I was very impressed, especially with the hummingbird exhibit. I actually saw one on its nest, which is something that I haven't seen before.

Let's see, what else? I have decided to try my hand at medium-format photography, using an old Busch Pressman and an adapter for 620 film, which I use 120 in. My first exposure was shot, so lets hope for some better ones to come.

Thats about all the the news there is right now, so take it easy all


Blogger Jim said...

Why did you shoot that poor defenseless exposure?

6:06 PM  

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