Well all, sorry for the lack of updates lately. I have no excuse, I just haven't added as of late. Anywho, where does the time go? Halloween already. Amy and I carved pumpkins last night, and that was fun.
My parents came to visit since the last update, and we had a lot of fun. We went to Bisbee on a mine tour, to the Desert Museum, and to the San Xavior Del Bac mission, amongst other things. It was great to see them, and we had a really good time while they were here.
Also, this morning I got my first processed roll of Fujichrome Velvia back. It is my first time trying slide film, and I was very impressed. it has made me consider looking into a slide projector, even. I will post some of the results below, and I am sure that there will be more to follow.
Anywho, that's about it for now. Take it easy all.
Copper or bauxite?
Just a wild guesser
Jon's pumpkin must be the one on the right.
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